All students have an Individual Learning Goals in Mathematics, Reading and Writing. Teachers set goals with students regularly.
Teacher assessment, checklists, grade tests, teacher observation and standardised tests are forms of assessment that are used at Craigieburn Primary School. NAPLAN tests are administered at Grade 3 and Grade 5 levels each year.
Each Foundation child will participate in a Foundation Entry Assessment. Students are assessed individually during the first few weeks of the year.
The English Online Interview is administered to all Foundation to Grade 2 students in February/March.
At the beginning of the school year we have an informal meet and greet with teachers, parents and children.
Parent / Teacher / Student interviews are held at least twice a year. Notification will be sent out on Compass regarding the date of the interviews and the process to book an interview online.
Interviews throughout the year are available on request. Please contact your child’s teacher and make an appointment.
© Craigieburn Primary School