The Arts are one of the domains of our curriculum. The Arts allow children to engage in critical and creative thinking, and help them to better understand themselves and the world. Schools use the arts disciplines of Art, Dance, Drama, Media Music and Visual Communication to plan Programs.
Standards in the Arts domain are organized in two dimensions: Creating and Making, and Exploring and Responding.
In Performing Arts the learning program will provide opportunities for students in Prep to Grade 6 to experience activities in the following areas: Music, Dance and Drama. Music will be at the core of all activities where students will experience Music from modern, traditional and past eras.
In Music students will be exploring and responding to voice, movement, instrument playing, listening and rhythm activities. They will also be learning basic music notation and recognise a variety of melodic and percussion instruments.
In Drama students will participate in a variety of tasks that explore their own feelings and attitudes to the world, as well as to stories and music. This may include improvisation, reader’s theatre, scripted plays, and using puppets. Students will also work on their self-confidence; performing in front of their peers, learning how to be a good audience and how to give back appropriate feedback.
In Dance students will be involved in experiences where they are moving to different tempos, and moods in response to a variety of musical styles. They will create individually and in a group situation with the opportunity given to perform to an audience.
In some activities the program will complement learning in other Disciplines taught in the classroom.
All Grade levels are timetabled for an hour session each week for two Terms in Performing Arts, and an hour session in STEM each week for two Terms. The Timetable is altered midyear.
Student will have the opportunity to perform on stage at school assemblies and other school events, such as our annual School Concert. They may join the School Choir in Grades 3-6, and perform at school and community events such as the Community Christmas Celebration.
Students who wish to learn instruments weekly, can do so through private tutors during school hours. Enquiries can be made through our Office.
© Craigieburn Primary School