We are continually updating technology at Craigieburn Primary School and improving student access to computers and new technologies.
Grades Prep to 6 students have access to Laptop Trolleys for use in their classrooms. This allows children to access technology and the Internet and to use a variety of programs to support the curriculum in their classrooms. All rooms have access to data projectors or large televisions to improve the delivery of curriculum and enhance teaching and learning. The computers are networked, allowing access to the Internet, email and printers. All Grades have access to banks of iPads to use in their daily classroom programs. Mathletics and Reading Eggs / Express are online programs that are provided for our students.
Digital Technologies is integrated across a variety of domains and uses a range of computer programs, applications, websites and online programs to support curriculum being covered in the classrooms. Students also have access to digital cameras and iPads.
Craigieburn Primary School is an eSmart School and internet safety and responsible use of technology is a priority at Craigieburn Primary School.
There are also some helpful links for parents on our website about being eSmart.
© Craigieburn Primary School